Heather Spath at Haven

Unleash the Vibrant Spirit of Your Hair and Embark on a Groovy Hair Journey with me. Welcome to Heather Spath at Haven, where I celebrate natural beauty and help you achieve your hair goals. Your hair color and cut aspirations are my top priority. I specialize in crafting experiences that will empower you with confidence and radiance, offering options such as lived-in color for a relaxed vibe, captivating copper tones, and adventurous creative colors. Take a moment for self-care and book your personalized color session today. You deserve it. Let me create a unique hair color and cut that resonates with your inner vibe and makes you shine. Ready to immerse yourself in this hair journey? Secure your spot for a transformative hair session by clicking the "Book Now" button on my homepage. Allow me to guide you in revealing your hair's true essence and embracing your natural beauty with lived-in, copper, or creative color options. Have any questions or seeking guidance? Reach out to me via DM on Instagram @highmanetenancehippie or text me at 319-382-5811. I'm here to support you every step of the way. Remember, your hair aspirations are within your grasp. Join me at Haven and let's elevate your hair journey together. 💛✌️

Business Hours

11 AM - 9 PM
11 AM - 9 PM
12 PM - 9 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 3 PM

Cancellation Policy

I kindly request that you notify me of any cancellations or rescheduling requests at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Please note that a 30% cancellation fee will be charged for all no-shows and cancellations made within 48 hours of the appointment. Thank you for your understanding!